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Residential Conveyancing – Our Fees And Other Costs

How long does it take?

Before we get into costs, a common question is about the time it takes to complete the process: typically 12-16 weeks, but that’s not definitive.

We’ll do everything possible to get you into your new home as quickly and smoothly as possible, but can only move as quickly as the slowest person: there are many people and stages involved, including property searches, your mortgage lender, issues in the property chain, and of course, the other party.

What if it falls through?

If your transaction falls through, you may be responsible for abortive fees, and these will usually increase the further along the transaction that we are*.

To avoid this you can pay an optional “abortive matter indemnity fee” (AMIF) at an additional cost** of £100 plus VAT (=£120), payable on the date you instruct us. This protects you in case the transaction does not go ahead, and means that you will not be charged any abortive fees from us (you still have to pay for any expenses – we call them “disbursements” – along the way, such as searches).

*If we start work on your transaction, and it does not go through to completion, you will be responsible for our abortive costs, at a minimum of £495 plus VAT, and potentially as high as the full amount of our estimate if the matter becomes abortive immediately prior to exchange of contracts/completion of the matter.

** This sum relates to a sale OR a purchase. For a sale AND purchase the sum would be £200 plus VAT (=£240).

The fees below are based on a standard residential transaction.

Sale / Purchase: Freehold fee scale

  Legal fee excl VAT Price inc VAT
Up to £100,000 £895 £1,074
Up to £150,000 £895 £1,074
Up to £200,000 £895 £1,074
Up to £250,000 £895 £1,074
Up to £300,000 £895 £1,074
Up to £350,000 £1,120 £1,344
Up to £400,000 £1,170 £1,404
Up to £450,000 £1,220 £1,464
Up to £500,000 £1,270 £1,524
Up to £550,000 £1,395 £1,674
Up to £600,000 £1,445 £1,734
Up to £650,000 £1,495 £1,794
Up to £700,000 £1,545 £1,854
Up to £750,000 £1,595 £1,914
Up to £800,000 £1,645 £1,1974
Up to £850,000 £1,695 £2,034
Up to £900,000 £1,745 £2,094
Up to £950,000 £1,795 £2,154
Up to £1,000,000 £2,925 £3,510
Over £1,000,001 Please ask

The following disbursements will also apply:


Description Cost Total
Bank transfer fee £35.00 + VAT £42.00
Bankruptcy Search fee (per name) £6.00 + VAT £7.20
Electronic Client ID fee (per name) £10.00 + VAT £12.00
Lawyer Checker fee £18.00 + VAT £21.60
Land Registry Priority Search £7.00 + VAT £8.40
Searches – inc Local / Drainage / Environmental (approximate cost) £194.15 + VAT £232.98
Chancel Repair insurance £17.50 £17.50
Land Charges Search (per person, applies to unregistered land only) £6.00 No VAT
Index map search (unregistered land only) £4.00 + VAT £4.80
Land Registry fees * £20 – £1105 No VAT
Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT)** Please refer to the online calculator below.

* Land Registry fee: this will depend on: property value / transfer of whole or part / registered or unregistered.
**Further information can be found at:

  • Land Registry – HERE.
  • Stamp Duty Land Tax calculator – HERE.


Description Cost Total
Bank transfer fee £35.00 + VAT £42.00
Land Registry Official Copies £14.00 + VAT £16.80
Index map search (unregistered land only) £4.00 + VAT £4.80

Additional charges:

Description Cost VAT Total
Leasehold property / shared ownership /shared equity /freehold management company /newbuild/ company/corporate sale/purchase £350.00 £70.00 £420.00
Dealing with a second management company (where leasehold) £100.00 £20.00 £120.00
Case management fee (all transactions) £25.00 £5.00 £30.00
SDLT/LTT Form Completion fee £75.00 £15.00 £90.00
Arranging an indemnity insurance policy £75.00 £15.00 £90.00
Dealing with adult occupiers (per occupier) £100.00 £20.00 £120.00
Corresponding with third party lender’s solicitors £495.00 £99.00 £594.00
Corresponding with a third party (non-lender) £200.00 £40.00 £240.00
Auction pack review £500.00 £100.00 £600.00
Dealing with a licence to occupy £100.00 £20.00 £120.00
Defective title / boundary disputes /reconstitution of title/transfer of part From £200.00
Each mortgage completion £150.00 £30.00 £180.00
Each mortgage redemption £125.00 £25.00 £150.00
Unregistered title £150.00 £30.00 £180.00
Solar panels From £150.00
Dealing with a gifted deposit/loan £150.00 £30.00 £180.00
Green deal advice £50.00 £10.00 £60.00
Corporate Mortgage/Paragon Administration Fee £495.00 £99.00 £594.00
Registration or removal of a restriction £75.00 £15.00 £90.00
Meeting with a member of the Team without a prior appointment being made £50.00 £10.00 £60.00
Help to Buy ISA/LISA £50.00 £10.00 £60.00
Copy and certify Power of Attorney £35.00 £7.00 £42.00
Dealing with tenanted property £150.00 £30.00 £180.00
Dealing with an additional title £100.00 £20.00 £120.00
Additional contractual clause £100.00 £20.00 £120.00
Bridging Loan Fee £995.00 £199 £1194
Corporate ID Fee £50.00 £10 £60

Remortgage Fees

Description Cost VAT Total
Standard Remortgage Legal Fee £695.00 £139.00 £834.00
Case management fee (all transactions) £25.00 £5.00 £30.00
Bank Transfer Fee (per bank transfer) £35.00 £7.00 £42.00
Electronic ID Fee (per person) £10.00 £2.00 £12.00
Land Registry Official Copies £14.00 £2.80 £16.80
Land Registry Search £7.00 £1.40 £8.40
Land Charges Search (per person, applies to unregistered land only) £6.00 £0.00 £6.00
Bankruptcy Search (per person) £6.00 £1.20 £7.20
Search Insurance FROM £10.00+ £0.00 £10.00+
*Land Registry Fees – FROM: £30, to £305 depending on property value. See link below £30+ £0.00 £30+

*Current Land Registry Fee table HERE

Our Residential Conveyancing – Our Fees And Other Costs Experts