Wilson Browne are Sepsis Savvy!
Reasons to choose Wilson Browne
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that can arise from any infection. In the UK alone, sepsis claims the lives of around 48,000 every year – that’s more than bowel, breast and prostate cancer combined.
Sepsis can affect anyone of any age but it is often treatable if caught quickly.
Sepsis affects 245,000 people a year. It can lead to lost limbs, PTSD and sadly loss of life, but the more people who know the signs to look out for, the more lives we can save.
During this time, it has become apparent how Sepsis has affected some of our colleagues, and how some have never heard about it.
The UK Sepsis Trust provide support to those affected by sepsis. Their current campaign #sepsissavvy provides free resources including a short video to educate you on Sepsis.
If you have any one of these symptoms alongside an infection you need to go straight to A&E or call 999.
- Slurred speech or confusion
- Extreme shivering or muscle pain
- Passing no urine (in a day)
- Severe breathlessness
- It feels like you’re going to die
- Skin mottled or discoloured
For children, symptoms can also include having a fit or convulsion, look bluish or pale, and a rash that does not fade.
Please watch this video and share with your family and friends.