Latest Personal News
Wilson Browne discusses… buying a house
I’m buying my first house, what do I need to consider?
Place Where We Dwell v2
In June ’21 we were delighted to sponsor Gavin Wallace‘s Place Where We Dwell (Chapter…
Unveiling The Changes In STEP Provisions Third Edition
Trainee Solicitor Charlotte Toms discusses the importance of ensuring your Will is correctly drafted to include the STEP Provisions.
Affordable and Social Rented Tenants – Can You Buy A Stake Of Your Home
There is a new Right to Shared Ownership route. Similar to the Right to Buy, tenants of affordable rented and social rented homes can apply to buy an equity stake in their home.
Modifying Restrictive Covenants
Trainee Solicitor Hannah Bayliss takes a look at restrictive covenants, whether they can be discharged or modified and sites a recent tribunal.
Delays in Property Registration – A Cause for Concern?
Trainee Solicitor Chloe Lake looks at the delays in property registration and what can be done to mitigate the problem.
The Growing Importance of Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney’s At Any Age
The recent decision of In University Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust v ST and others [2023] EWCOP 40
The statutory legacy on intestacy has increased – What does this actually mean?
New legislation recently brought into force by the government has increased that statutory legacy to £322,000 (previously £270,000) and has also amended the provisions applying as to how a person’s estate is distributed, where they die without a Will.
What makes a trust a valid trust?
A trust is used by many individuals to control how their assets are managed either during their lifetime or after their death, depending on what type of trust is created.
What is Clare’s Law?
Clare’s Law gives you the right to ask about your husband, boyfriend or partner’s background….