Latest Personal News
Buying a property with a septic tank/plant
If you are planning to buy a property which is not connected to the public…
A Small Leak will Sink a Great Ship…..
Being a Family lawyer can be a difficult job. You sometimes have to get to…
Non-refundable pre-contract deposits
In a competitive market, sellers and their agents will want to ensure that a prospective…
National Law Society Recognises Excellence By Wilson Browne Solicitors
In recent years the firm has gone from strength to strength, winning an array…
Managing A Missing Person’s Affairs
Earlier this year 27 April 2017 the Guardianship (Missing Persons) Act 2017 received a Royal…
Divorce & the Benefits of Mediation
When relationships break down or divorce seems the only option its easy to see how disagreements arise but it’s far better to achieve a settlement with your ex husband or wife which you both consent to and into which you have both had an input.
Grandparents do not have an automatic right to contact with their Grandchildren.
A grandparent can apply to the Court for contact but first they need to obtain…
Why Does Conveyancing Take so Long?
On average conveyancing takes between 6-12 weeks but this will depend upon so many factors.
Illott v Blue Cross and Others – What is Reasonable Maintenance?
The long-running saga of the Will of Melita Jackson has finally reached a conclusion with…
High risk investment decision loses charity £3.9 million
A Charity Commission inquiry into Kingsway International Christian Centre found that charity trustees had breached…