Latest Personal News
Wilson Browne Solicitors Help Young Entrepreneur End Legal Nightmare.
Local businesswoman celebrates end of 2½ year legal dispute that threatened her with bankruptcy.
The Pain of a Chain
One of the hardest things about any sort of transaction is understanding the terminology involved. And especially with legal jargon, the words themselves may be deceptively simple, but carry far greater connotations.
The Right To Inherit After Assisted Suicide
In the UK, assisting a person to commit suicide can leave you open to the risk of prosecution and cases where those who have taken relatives to Dignitas Clinics abroad are often reported to be questioned by the police.
Conveyancing – Working as a Team
It’s fair to say that conveyancing has changed in many ways over the years and it is vital that all parties work together to ensure a smooth and efficient transaction but how does this happen in practice?
What Searches Are Done When Buying Property?
When purchasing a property or committing yourself to occupation of the same (whether that be on a lease, licence or otherwise) it is always a good idea to fully investigate matters affecting that property.
Solicitors For The LGBTQ+ Community
You may be wondering just what exactly it is that we do differently for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender clients: the honest answer is, perhaps surprisingly nothing. We’ll treat you exactly the same as any other client.
Abortive Costs Undertakings
When Heads of Terms for a property transaction are agreed, then the deal is done, right?
Fulfilling The Role Of A Personal Representative When Administering The Estate
Dealing with a family member’s passing is difficult in itself, but if you are responsible for administering the estate, your worries are automatically heightened and not without good reason
Should I Extend My Lease?
Many UK properties are sold on a leasehold basis every year and often flats and apartments are only available to buy as a leasehold and occasionally a house will be sold on this basis too.
The Difference In Taxes For Married And Unmarried Couples
“For richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part.” When citing…