Latest Personal News
Is There Such A Thing As A “Good Divorce”?
All week we’ve been supporting the Good Divorce campaign, designed to raise awareness of why people getting divorced should choose a Resolution Member to advise them and the real value of taking early advice from a specialist.
Can You Ignore Your Emotions For The Sake Of A Good Divorce?
Good Divorce Week is an annual campaign that aims to promote practical and constructive ways for separating parents to put the needs of their children first. We believe the process of separating, agreeing finances and child arrangements, should be done in a way that minimises conflict and keeps the best interests of any children at the heart of matters.
Resident Evil –Selling Your House With A Spooky Guest
If you have a haunted home do you need to tell your buyer?
Positive Discrimination In Housing Allocation
The Supreme Court has ruled that positive discrimination in housing allocation can be permitted in…
Private Client Specialist Qualifies As A Solicitor
Congratulations to Marta Crumbie who has qualified as a Solicitor!
Remember To Pass On Your Passwords!
In this digital age, most of us know that if we want to access our accounts, whether that’s for Facebook, Amazon, internet banking, etc. we have to put in our passwords or the extremely techie just require their face ID, but how many other people in your family know what these passwords are – other than you?
Why do I need a Cohabitation Agreement?
Why do I need a Cohabitation Agreement?
Child Trust Fund and people who lack Mental Capacity
What happens if a young person does not have mental capacity to manage their entitled Child Trust Fund?
Can I do the conveyancing on my new home myself to save money?
It sounds easy, so you should give it a go, right? Not always the case though particularly when your dream home is at risk. There’s a reason why Solicitors and Licensed Conveyancers have professional indemnity insurance in place and you don’t!
Separated families and the Christmas period
With summer on its way out, our thoughts generally turn to the next holiday; the festive Christmas period. It’s at this point problems can arise when separated parents are making arrangements for their children. Some may live far apart from each other. Some may wish to go abroad over the Christmas period to visit family. Family Solicitor Joe O’Brien advises the best approach to ensure the whole family enjoys the festive fun.