Latest Personal News
Will Writers – the perils of leaving Wills to chance.
Making a “cheap” Will – whether with a Will Writer or via a Will pack or online deal – can seem to save money, in fact it is likely to cost substantially more in legal fees and tax paid from your estate.
10 years recognition from Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS)
Wilson Browne has once again been re-accredited by the Law Society into their Conveyancing Quality Scheme for the 10th year in a row.
How do you choose your Lawyer?
In a recent LinkedIn Poll, Wilson Browne Solicitors’ very own Tom Warrender asked the question “when hiring a Lawyer/Law Firm, what is the biggest influence in deciding who you instruct?”
A Practical Guide For When Someone Dies
We know that when a loved one passes away, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and unsure about what action needs to be taken. So what does need to be done?
How to Get a Settlement Agreement at Work
How to Get a Settlement Agreement at Work
Can You Do Your Own Lasting Power of Attorney?
Can You Do Your Own Lasting Power of Attorney?
If you think your Conveyancing Client may have lost or be losing Mental Capacity
If a legal owner is mentally incapable of managing their financial affairs they may also not be able to enter into a conveyancing transaction and you should not accept their signature. Unfortunately, whether somebody has the mental capacity to enter into a conveyancing transaction is not a straightforward question to answer and will differ in every case.
DIY Will – Perhaps You Should Think Again?
DIY Wills seem a great idea. For the same cost of your Netflix subscription, you can download one from the website fill it in and think you’re covered . But is this really the case? One case recently in the High Court concerned an elderly father who wrote a Will five days before he passed away on a page torn from a notebook, superseding the Will written a year earlier.
The importance of making a Will
It has been widely reported in the news recently that Diego Maradona died without making a Will and his Estate is said to be worth around $75 – $100 million.
When, Why and How do you stop a Grant of Probate being issued?
When somebody dies, a representative takes out a ‘Grant of Representation’ (often a Grant of Probate) which gives them authority to deal with all of the deceased person’s assets and liabilities.