Latest Personal News
The Significance of a Dementia Diagnosis: A Closer Look
The Alzheimer’s Society undertook research which showed that 3 in 5 of the people they had spoken to, wished they had gotten a dementia diagnosis sooner, rather than waiting 2 or more years.
There are approximately 16.4 million carers in the UK. Part of this caring role almost always includes helping with practical matters such as paying for shopping, withdrawing money, and paying bills but should you be giving your financial details to them?
Gone but not fur-gotten: Protections for your pets
Have you thought about putting protections in place for your pets in the event of your death?
Is a Settlement Agreement the Same as Redundancy?
A settlement agreement is an alternative to redundancy, but it’s not the same thing as redundancy.
What Should I Ask for in a Settlement Agreement?
Settlement agreements help employers and employees settle disputes or bring periods of employment to an end, on terms that both parties can agree to. There should be plenty of room for discussion and negotiation to finalise a settlement agreement, and while the employer will make the settlement offer, the employee can make requests to ensure the deal includes certain things.
New laws in place to protect parents and carers within their employment.
On May 25 2023 three new Acts in respect of ‘family-friendly’ working rights received Royal Assent, meaning they will become law in England and Wales. Once in force (the commencement date is still awaited), these new laws will increase protection afforded to parents and carers during their employment.
Getting a Job After a Settlement Agreement
The settlement agreement is designed to work in such a way that both you and your employer are happy with the outcome. However, the agreement itself may have an impact on what happens when you want to find work after leaving your current employment.
Hush Holidays – What are they and how should employers deal with employees taking ‘hush holidays’?
The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the way we work and travel. With the rise of remote working, a new travel trend has emerged – the ‘hush holiday’. This trend involves employees harnessing the ability to site their remote working in locations other than their home – such as by a pool in a holiday location; without using annual leave entitlement.
Careers in Conveyancing – The Right ‘Move’ for You?
The idea of picking up our keys from an Estate Agent’s and having bricks and mortar to call our own is something that is a common goal for many of us. There are, however, a group of people behind the scenes working hard on a daily basis to ensure that those dreams come true in a way that makes the process as seamless and stress-free as possible.
Building on our knowledge of Dementia to help our clients and community.
The COP team at Wilson Browne are supporting Dementia Action Week from 15th-21st May 2023.