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Practice Guide 19 clarifies requirements for conveyancer’s certificate relating to Form LL restriction
If a private individual wishes to safeguard against a fraudulent disposition of their property (such…
Changes to permitted development rights for Class A4
Permitted development rights for Class A4 (drinking establishments) abolished change of use or demolition of…
Divorce & the Benefits of Mediation
When relationships break down or divorce seems the only option its easy to see how disagreements arise but it’s far better to achieve a settlement with your ex husband or wife which you both consent to and into which you have both had an input.
Easements: what is “necessary” to obtain access to a property
The parameters of an easement, whether expressly granted or acquired by implied grant, or prescription,…
“There is no Surrender and Re-Grant here, just a variation of an existing Lease, right???”
It is not uncommon for the terms of a Lease to be varied by a…
Grandparents do not have an automatic right to contact with their Grandchildren.
A grandparent can apply to the Court for contact but first they need to obtain…
Why Does Conveyancing Take so Long?
On average conveyancing takes between 6-12 weeks but this will depend upon so many factors.
Illott v Blue Cross and Others – What is Reasonable Maintenance?
The long-running saga of the Will of Melita Jackson has finally reached a conclusion with…
High risk investment decision loses charity £3.9 million
A Charity Commission inquiry into Kingsway International Christian Centre found that charity trustees had breached…
Ending a Headlease Where There is a Sublease in Place
There are many ways in which a lease may come to an end, examples of…