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Why do people avoid making a Will
Why Do People Avoid Probate?
What is Probate?
Probate describes the legal and financial processes that are involved in dealing with a person’s estate when they die.
When Do You Require Probate?
For many people, when considering making a will, one of the issues that most concerns them is the cost of probate. In fact, this one of the reasons why around 60% of adults in the UK do not have a will at all.
Options In Leases – How Secure Are They?
Partner Nina Wilson discusses a recent case where a lease did contain an option for the tenant to have a new lease and the landlord tried to use rent arrears that had built up as a result of covid closures to get round that and terminate the option.
Jessica Leech – Highly Commended
Family Lawyer Jessica Leech has been Highly Commended in the prestigious Lexis Nexis Family Law…
Indemnity Costs: Why You Must Act Reasonably During Litigation
Costs are legal expenses that you will incur during a litigation claim. Costs include the hourly rate that you will pay to your solicitor for the work done on your behalf, in addition to disbursements which are out-of-pocket expenses that your solicitor incurs in order to try and progress your case. Trainee Solicitor Hannah Bayliss explains more about the type of costs you can expect.
What Expenses Can a Court of Protection Deputy Claim?
The Court of Protection safeguards the rights of vulnerable people by appointing deputies to manage their affairs.
The Corporate & Commercial Team Assists In Multi-Million Pound MBO Of A Local Engineering Company
In this case, the advice involved two key members of the management team acquiring the majority of the existing share capital of the target company from the existing owner.
Joint Tenants Versus Tenants In Common – What Do They Mean?
You’ve probably heard of the terms “joint tenants” and “tenants in common” but not really understood the difference between them. So, what do they mean? Paralegal Oliva Sullivan explains.
Who Should I Inform When Somebody Has Passed Away?
There may come a time when you have to take on the responsibility of acting as Executor under a relative’s Will. This may feel like a daunting process, but Wilson Browne Solicitors are “all the help you need” to point you in the direction of where to start and some institutions you may not have thought to contact.