Latest Business News
Employment Law Updates – Parental Leave Requests
A reminder to employers to be wary of parental leave requests, whether formal or innocuous.
Employment Law Update – Disability Discrimination
A reminder to employers of the obligation to consider reasonable adjustments before dismissing a disabled employee.
Adverse Possession: 2 Decades On From The Reforms
Adverse Possession is a method of acquiring title to Land and simply refers to squatting.
Biodiversity Net Gain – is it relevant to pre 2024 planning applications?
In a recent appeal decision from the Planning Inspectorate outline planning permission was refused for the erection of a care home (Class C2) together with associated infrastructure, parking and access.
HMRC Investigation Into Alleged Breaches Of The National Minimum Wage – What You Need To Know
These investigations can begin when any employee makes a complaint to HMRC that they believe they are not receiving the correct National Minimum Wage.
Case Update: Armstead v Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company Ltd (2024) UKSC 6
In tort, it is a well-established principle that a person owes a duty of care not to cause any physical damage to another person’s property.
Rise In Court Fees
The Government announce a consultation to increase over 200 court fees to raise up to an additional £42 million per year.
Warranty v Condition
Businesses and individuals alike enter into contracts frequently, whether it be for services or goods…
Mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG): Government Publishes Guidance On Irreplaceable Habitats
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has now published guidance on how…
How Many Ways Are There To Get Out Of A Contract?
There are a number of different ways that a contract may be brought to an…