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WB Sponsors WC!!!
4834 miles… …That’s the distance from Kettering to Zambia., the location of our latest piece of…
Does Your Lease Have An Adequate Subrogation Clause?
In April 2018 the case of Prezzo Limited v High Point Estates emphasized the issues…
Want a thriving city? Have more quality office space…
Want a thriving city? Have more quality office space… The Centre for Cities (CfC) has…
Exchange of Contracts – Does Noting Your Interest At Land Registry Protect You?
Williams v Broadoak Private Finance Ltd [2018] EWHC 1107 (Ch) In property transactions exchange of…
The Importance of Effective Absence Management
Taking a look at two common absence issues that may crop up this summer, we consider what steps employers can take to minimise their impact on their businesses.
Government Consultation on Longer Tenancies
The Government has announced a consultation on longer tenancies to be offered by private landlords…
How to Let Guide
The Government has published a series of “How To” guides designed to help those in…
Beware Of Break Clauses
Beware of break clauses – Goldman Sachs International v (1) Procession House Trustee Ltd (2)…
Charities and GDPR
It’s unlikely to have escaped anyone with an email account, that there are big changes…
Tenant Subletting
When renting a property, the general rule is most tenants will rent directly from the…