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Tenant Succeeds In Specific Performance Claim Against Landlord For Breach Of Repairing Covenant (High Court)
Tenant Succeeds In Specific Performance Claim Against Landlord For Breach Of Repairing Covenant (High Court)
What Searches Are Done When Buying Property?
When purchasing a property or committing yourself to occupation of the same (whether that be on a lease, licence or otherwise) it is always a good idea to fully investigate matters affecting that property.
Solicitors For The LGBTQ+ Community
You may be wondering just what exactly it is that we do differently for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender clients: the honest answer is, perhaps surprisingly nothing. We’ll treat you exactly the same as any other client.
Abortive Costs Undertakings
When Heads of Terms for a property transaction are agreed, then the deal is done, right?
Electrical Testing for Private Rented Properties
A year after the Government circulated a consultation on electrical safety in the private rented sector the findings have been published.
Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018
The Fitness of Human Habitation Act 2018 creates an implied term of the tenancy that the landlord must ensure that the property is fit for human habitation when let and that it remains fit for the duration of the tenancy.
Should I Extend My Lease?
Many UK properties are sold on a leasehold basis every year and often flats and apartments are only available to buy as a leasehold and occasionally a house will be sold on this basis too.
Environmental Permitting
On 7 January 2019, the Environment Agency (EA) published a consultation on proposed revisions to its public participation statement (PPS) for Environmental Permitting (EP).
When Is A Contract Formed Between Businesses?
It is not always easy to know when a contract has reached the stage where…
Contempt Of Parliament Explained
Both Houses of Parliament can punish for contempt in a similar way to the superior…