Latest Business News
You shall not pass!
My neighbour says I don’t have the right to use their driveway to access my property! What can I do?
Changes To General Licences For Bird Control
On 26 April 2019, Natural England revoked three general licences for controlling 16 species of wild birds following a challenge by a new environmental NGO, Wild Justice. The licences which have been revoked allowed the killing or taking of certain species of wild birds to prevent serious damage or disease, to preserve public health or public safety or to conserve wild birds or flora or fauna.
Cricket Practice Cage In Rear Garden Of Dwelling Was A Building (Planning Inspectorate)
Cricket Practice Cage In Rear Garden Of Dwelling Was A Building (Planning Inspectorate)
Court of Appeal Ruling Changes The Interpretation Of Fencing Covenants And Easements
Whose responsibility it is to repair and maintain a boundary fence can have huge costs implications particularly for those who own large pieces of agricultural land.
Wilson Browne Solicitors Acquires Friday Legal Solicitors
As of Monday 8th April, Friday Legal Solicitors became part of Wilson Browne Solicitors with…
Government Publishes MEES Amendment Regulations To Come Into Force On 1 April 2019
Government Publishes MEES Amendment Regulations To Come Into Force On 1 April 2019
Ministry Of Justice Figures Out On Landlord Cases In Court
The Ministry of Justice has now published information about claims issue in Courts in England and Wales in the period October to December 2018 and these figures show a continued downward trend of private landlord and mortgage possession claims
Wilson Browne Solicitors Help Young Entrepreneur End Legal Nightmare.
Local businesswoman celebrates end of 2½ year legal dispute that threatened her with bankruptcy.
Conversion Of Attached Domestic Garage To Small Commercial Bakery Was Not A Material Change Of Use (Planning Inspectorate)
Medway Council (MC) refused to grant a lawful development certificate for the use of an attached domestic garage as a small commercial bakery. MC considered that the proposal would result in a material change of use of the dwelling and therefore constituted development.
Statutory Succession and the European Convention on Human Rights
Permission has just been granted for an appeal to determine the lawfulness of a statutory succession scheme in the case of Haringey LBC v. Simawi (Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government intervening) [2018] EWHC 2733