Latest Business News
How do you choose your Lawyer?
In a recent LinkedIn Poll, Wilson Browne Solicitors’ very own Tom Warrender asked the question “when hiring a Lawyer/Law Firm, what is the biggest influence in deciding who you instruct?”
Employers Should Proceed With Caution Following Increase In Employment Tribunals
Recently released employment tribunal claim figures show a significant increase in claims. Whilst not unexpected,…
Workplace Discrimination
Jennie Jahina Head of Employment comments on a recent story in the news regarding discrimination in the workplace and highlights the importance of keeping workplace processes and practices under review.
What constitutes development?
What constitutes development?
How to Get a Settlement Agreement at Work
How to Get a Settlement Agreement at Work
“Turnover Rent” – A useful option for Commercial Landlords and Tenants in the Pandemic
“Turnover Rent” – A useful option for Commercial Landlords and Tenants in the Pandemic
Hitting All The Right Notes: De-merger Advice In The Music Sector
The Corporate and Commercial team at Wilson Browne Solicitors has recently advised in the de-merger…
The Legal 500 recognised Commercial Property Team Excel Again
Partner, Tom Warrender, was proud to represent MEZ Management Ltd in their recent commercial property purchase.
Protected Characteristics Relating To Transgender Employees
There has been a recent case in the Employment Tribunal regarding when someone will be protected under the protected characteristic that is gender reassignment. In the recent case of Taylor v Jaguar Land Rover Ltd it was decided that even where a person describes their gender of non-binary or gender fluid they will still be held to have a protected characteristic if they are in the process of transitioning.
Importance Of A Person Of Significant Control (PCS)
What is a Person of Significant Control and how do you assign one?