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Internal Investigations – Workplace Training From Our Employment Law Solicitors

Reasons to choose Wilson Browne

There are many occasions when an organisation will need to conduct an investigation.

Obvious examples are when allegations of bullying, harassment and/or misconduct are made. Often those investigations can and should be done internally.

Why do investigations matter?

A fair and thorough investigation can save time, provide better outcomes for employees, and improve your legal position if a matter ever ends up in the employment tribunal.

The investigator is vital to this process. They will need to be confident, knowledgeable, fair, and adaptable. Importantly, they will also need to be experienced in preparing thorough reports which address the legal pitfalls and put the employer in the strongest possible position should the investigation lead to any disciplinary process.

However, not all managers will be equipped to handle the investigation. They might simply be lacking experience, or the subject matter might be complex.

How can Wilson Browne help?

We offer workplace investigation training courses which provide delegates with the confidence and knowledge they need to initiate, run and report on investigations.

Our training covers a variety of scenarios, ranging from serious disciplinary issues, whistle-blowing, bullying allegations, and senior executive disputes.

Drawing on our employment team’s vast experience, we use case studies and anecdotes to bring the training to life and provide you with an opportunity to ask questions and engage with the material.

What do I do next?

For more information about our workplace investigation training, or about any other employment law training courses, please contact Jennie Jahina ( or get in touch using our contact form.

Our Internal Investigations – Workplace Training From Our Employment Law Solicitors Experts